Can I really let go of my anxiety?

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We stand to sing the old hymn and my lips form the words
that float away before they 
settle in my heart.
I’ll surrender some
yes I will,
but not all. 
That’s absurd, asking for
that much. 
Some things I can’t
give up
like my anxiety.
I need that to feel control
of a life that spins 
dangerously close 
to chaos 
one misstep and 
grief could be the end 
of me. 

As much as it kills me
I cannot give up my 
who will worry about all
the details if I give 
it up. 

No, anxiety is my salvation
and my damnation
I can’t survive without it,
but I can’t go on like 
this anymore. 
It eats me alive 
and steals my nights
it’s become my evil 
If I surrender control 
of how I thought 
my life should be,
of what I assumed 
was best,
what then? 
Am I not the master of
my life?
Am I? 
Then why all the anxiety 
if I master my life 
so well?
Because I know deep down
control is always an
Yet the age old deception 
taunts me that I know better 
than God. 

I surrender all?
What then? 
Yes, what then. 
What if peace?
What if trust?
What if I surrender 
my anxiety and 
open my tight-fisted hand
of control, to the God
who loves me with a love
so deep I can’t 
grasp it?

Maybe I find peace. 

-Mary Folkerts

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