We’re all from somewhere

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butchering chickens on the homestead
I am from faspa and maadach schloup 
from hard wooden church pews
and old country hymns
I am from tradition, handmade clothes and head coverings 
I am from heritage. 

I am from long rows of peas
from wild strawberries 
and hoeing weeds
I am from toil and sweat
long days and longer dusk
I am from the soil. 

I am from cold north winds
from snow boots and dancing northern lights 
I am from skates and numb toes
from snowbanks and wood fires
I am from winter. 

I am from family harmony
from notes strummed on guitars
singing in the kitchen over a sink full of dishes
from record players and tape recorders dreaming of bigger things 
I am from music.

I am from homemade suppers
meat and potatoes 
from picking and canning
freezers filled with garden toil
I am from butcher days 
aunts and uncles gathered like a celebration 
from old traditional ways
I am from homegrown. 

I am from sisters and brothers 
cousins and relatives 
from big family gatherings,sharing around food 
I am from singing together, sitting long, laughing, crying
from memories and reminiscing
I am from family. 

I am from big dreams and deep waters
from written words, pen and paper
miles and homesick 
I am from thoughts poured out like
liquid emotions 
I am from words.

I am from sunday school and memory verses
from Jesus loves me and Peter, James and John
I am from sunday sermons 
from bedtime prayers 
I am from faith. 

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