Hope does not have an expiry date. 

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Hope is what we live for

Batted around in 
conversation all day, 
this little word is the 
of what it means to 
be alive. 

it’s the spark
that lights the torch
that illuminates the path.
It’s the seed
germinating in the dark,
pushing through to the light
producing fruit in its time. 

Hope is the essence; 
faith, that what we can’t 
yet see
will one day be. 
Maybe not how we expected
perhaps inexplicably more
than we could have 

A world without hope
is heavy darkness, a void,
It’s what depression tastes like. 
A cloud hovering, 
the rays of the sun. 

Hope is what we live for,
what some die for. 
A striving, a goal 
a better future
for us 
and the generations that 
follow after us. 

What is your hope?
Is it an old one,
as old as your trips
around the sun?
Still waiting in the earth
to spring to life?

Hope does not have an 
expiry date.
It can be lost for a time,
hidden by the circumstances, 
crushed by the fallible
which can never keeps
its promises 
as hard as 
it tries.

I know a Man 
who’s name is Hope. 
When mine is shrivelled, 
I can trust Him to birth 
new hope in me
if I let him. 
Different hope, not the stuff
that I can lose in this
hard knock life.
Hope like an anchor,
not a wish. 

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