Mom’s Hands

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mom's hands

Mom; she wears her love 
on her hands
The age spots tell of the many years 
she has held me 
in her heart.
The lines tell of her never-ending 
acts of service;
kneading the dough
turning the soil
picking the fruit.
Never did her children lack
in the cold of winter. 

The age spots tell of the many years 
she has held me 
in her heart.

Hands that have held,
stroked, given and withheld, 
comforted and corrected. 
Folded in prayer 
seeking guidance
to guide our hearts 
to seek God. 

Mom; her hand held my 
small hand 
the other held fast 
to the hand of God 
who holds time 
in His. 

Despite her own 
her fear, 
her doubt 
and out of her lack 
does she love. 
Not in perfection 
but with all in her; 
always holding the hand 
of her Heavenly 

And out of her lack does she love; 
not in perfection but with all in her. 

She loves as only she 
can love the ones she 
has birthed; 
pieces of her heart 
and breathing. 

Your hands Mom, 
were formed to 
hold my hands 
and I thank God 
for every day that I 
can still feel your 
soft one give 
mine a 
I know you 
love me, Mom. 

I love you Mom, 

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