When my Feelings try to bully out Truth!


Today, the truth I build my life on may be getting bullied out by feelings. Feelings are powerful motivators, but they are not necessarily fact. Sometimes, we have to remind our feelings that they will not rule us!

I ask for a lot. 
I think about so many things
my head spins.
That God is able to do far more
than what I think or ask
blows my mind.

The definition of abundance
is “amply supplied”.
Even though my physical
needs may be abundantly provided,
some days I feel emotionally,
spiritually and
mentally depleted.
I can name on my fingers
the irritating,
the frustrating,
the discouraging.
I feel overlooked,
under appreciated and unheard.
I let my feelings dictate my thoughts
and actions.

I need to take a step back
and reconnect to the power
that is at work within me;
the power of the
Holy Spirit.

Will I let my feelings direct my day
dragging me into discouragement
for all the things I can’t see
solutions for,
or will I trust
that God can do much more
than I ever could have

Today is Pentecost on the Christian calendar. It’s the day we commemorate that Jesus did not leave us alone on earth but sent the Holy Spirit to guide, comfort, teach, convict, and intercede for believers. 

It is because of the work of the Holy Spirit within the believer that we have the power and will to live for Christ. Am I plugged into the Source, or do I deny its power to change me and produce fruit accordingly?

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