We crave stability in an unstable world

James 1:17

Stability. We crave it in this ever-changing, unstable climate we currently live in. Everywhere we turn, we hear bad news. We want someone to tell us that good news is just around the corner. 

Is it possible that instability in life draws us closer to the stability of a God who never changes?

When Reegan was born, the stability we thought we had created began to show cracks in its foundation. Unexpected diagnoses, hospital stays, tests and surgeries have a way of bringing one back to basics. 

Sometimes we claim to live by faith in Christ when in actuality, we are building our own foundations with a bit of Jesus added to the mix. It’s not until we’re squeezed by difficulty that we begin to search for a foundation more dependable than our own. 

Sometimes we claim to live by faith in Christ when in actuality, we are building our own foundations with a bit of Jesus added to the mix.

Difficulty comes in many forms, but one of the unanticipated blessings can be the deconstruction of our crumbling foundations in exchange for the stability only afforded through God.

It seems counterintuitive to say that hardships are good for us. In fact, we do everything to avoid them. But what if they are the catalyst that will show us that we are not enough?

Life will inevitably, at some point, become difficult. Where will you find your strength when it does?

Every good and perfect gift is from above, coming down from the Father of the heavenly lights, who does not change like shifting shadows.

James 1:17

Could it be that some things that feel like struggle are really gifts? Everything that comes to us has first gone through the hands of a loving God who wants to draw us closer to His heart. His desire for us is not necessarily our happiness, but our holiness.

Has your foundation become unstable?  God does not change like shifting shadows. He is always the same, even though our circumstances shift and change. He is the only dependable foundation upon which to build.

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One Comment

  1. Amen to this. Do we ever really grow without falling or failing. Its only through these that we God truly makes us who he wants us to be. Love this Mary.

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