Quiet with my soul

I cannot be quiet
with my soul
when resentment is there
when anger bubbles
too close to the surface
when hurts are harboured
like decaying skeletons.
Who wants to sit quiet
with that?

I cannot be quiet
with my soul
when jealousy and comparison
play their little games
with my mind,
when contentment
is absent and my prayers
read like shopping lists.
When all I have pondered
in my heart
are the things I have not
how can I come and quiet myself
before a God who has given
His all,
and I with this discontented

I cannot be quiet
with my soul
when the stillness is too loud
reminding me of what
I’ve left undone
the things I need to mend
the gentle persistent
calling back I’ve tried
to ignore.

But in the quiet
is where peace is found
It’s where the compassionate
Physician brings healing
searching and restoring
my contrary heart.
He doesn’t demand I come
in a manner worthy
of Him,
but promises I will not
leave unchanged
having been
in His presence.

I wonder if the times we least want to be quiet and alone with our souls and God are the times we most need it. 

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