When unexpected flowers grow in unplanned places

My gardens lie frozen underneath a white blanket of snow as I dream of things to come. The breeze twists last year’s foliage, taunting it to let go, but it stubbornly clings to the branch. I, too, am of stubborn stalk, determined for next year to try again, envision, and plant again, at least when it comes to my flower gardens.

Designing my flowerbeds has become a passion of mine. Late winter and early spring have me dreaming of new plants and colours to try. I gain a lot of joy and therapy from digging in the dirt, watching the little green shoots sprout from the eager earth into full-grown plants with flowers unfurling in all colours and designs. It’s magical!

Gardening is good for my soul and lends itself to beautiful spiritual analogies. Last summer, one of those analogies popped up in my flowerbed—quite literally.

A flower that I hadn’t planted started to grow in my garden. Years back, it bloomed in that space, so I don’t know if an old seed sprouted or if a bird left me a gift, but either way, it was a pleasant surprise. 

It made me pause and reflect on how I often assume that if I want something to materialize in life, I must find a way to make it happen. 

Maybe it’s time to stop trying to figure out all the pieces and allow God to do His work in His time.

I strategize, plan, devise, scheme– when I need to be more aware of God and His provisions. It’s not all up to me alone. Sometimes, my job is simply to walk in His promises and take Him at His word that He knows my needs better than I do myself. His ways are higher than mine, and He can supply for me in ways I couldn’t have imagined. 

It reminds me of how God provided a friend for my daughter Reegan before I had formed the need into a prayer. Reegan has Down Syndrome, and friendships can be complicated, but when she was about eight years old, Emily moved to town. Emily also has Down Syndrome, and the girls have been fast friends ever since. God, in His kindness, provided what I yet didn’t know we would need!

Maybe it’s time to stop trying to figure out all the pieces and allow God to do His work in His time. He may yet plant flowers in your garden that you didn’t even know you would love!

“And when you pray, do not heap up empty phrases as the Gentiles do, for they think that they will be heard for their many words. Do not be like them, for your Father knows what you need before you ask him.” Matthew 6:7-8 (ESV).

Is there a situation you feel you need to micromanage to have the outcome you desire? Is God asking you to trust Him with the outcome?

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