When too many choices cause you to make no decisions!

“Show me the right path, O Lord; point out the road for me to follow.”

Psalms 25:4 NLT

 Are you stuck in a rut of indecision? Sometimes we need to start forward momentum even if we have no idea where we’re going.

What are some good tips on how to make those hard decisions?

  • Ask advice from friends you trust. Are these friends making their own good decisions? Do you admire the trajectory of their life?
  • Do you have older people in your life that have travelled a road or two, and you admire their character, their world view and the peace they have about wherever life has taken them? Ask for their advice. Or, if you can’t ask their advice, think, “what would they do in this situation?”
  • Do you feel you know the right decision in your heart, but it’s too hard to make? Forward yourself five years. Do you still want to be in the same situation you are currently in, or do you hope to have made progress by then? If you desire progress, it may be time to start the process, as hard as it may seem. 
  • Earnestly pray! Seek God’s word for advice. Many verses in the Bible tell us that He WILL direct us if we are willing to follow. 

“I will instruct you and teach you in the way you should go; I will counsel you with my eye upon you.”

Psalm 32:8 ESV

Do you have a difficult decision to make? How will you decide what your next step will be? Don’t postpone your life due to indecision! Making NO decision is also a choice that will have its own outcome.

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