When Jesus takes the wheel!

You know that moment when you feel like Jesus literally took the wheel? You have to admit that you did not escape harm without the presence of a higher power. It’s in those times that one looks to either God or their lucky stars in gratitude.

It was 28 years ago, pretty much to the day. I had spent a lovely Christmas with family in the far north and was driving back home. The road was long, but I was well along on the 650-mile journey. It was a dark winter road; snow piled up on either side of the highway. I was driving alone, without a cell phone. (I don’t know if cell phones were even invented back then!)

It had been a long day, with many sets of headlights coming my way and passing on to their destination. Suddenly I was roused out of my reverie as I focused on the lights coming my way. As they came closer, I realized that they were coming straight toward me in my lane! I turned the steering wheel into the other lane without thought, and the wayward car passed by in my lane. I returned to the correct side of the road and kept driving, my body weak with what had just occurred! Looking in my rearview mirror, I saw what looked like the other car landing in the ditch. I didn’t stop but kept right on going.

When I arrived at my destination that night, I called my parents to tell them what had happened. The prayers for their children were constant, especially when travelling, and God undeniably answered their prayer! Their relief over how I was protected was palpable. 

I look back now, 28 years later and am still in awe of how God’s hand of protection was on me. I don’t take stock in lucky stars, coincidence, fate or karma, but I do believe in the power of God and His ministering spirits. I like to think that if I had been able to see what was going on in my car that night, I would have seen an angel taking over the wheel for me, turning it in the right direction to save my life.

I liked being in control even if I didn’t know where I was headed

During this time, I was young and unsettled; in fact, I often felt like I was drifting along without aim or purpose. I was in a relationship that was going nowhere, and in my heart, I knew it needed to end. I was working a job that barely paid the bills. I was getting by physically and spiritually, but I was not thriving. And yet, I was not ready to let Jesus take the wheel of my life. I liked being in control, even if I didn’t know where I was headed. 

Maybe God wanted to get my attention, and He certainly had it now! He obviously had more life for me to live, and His plans for my future were only just beginning. I now think of this event as the start of the rest of my life. 

As the end of a year draws near, we tend to reflect on the past. We think about the good and the difficult things we have been through, and often we gain insight in remembering. We can see things more clearly with hindsight; we see where we misstepped, but we also see the progress we’ve made.

We can see things more clearly with hindsight

In our reflection, let us also remember the ways God has led, guided and protected, sometimes with a shielding hand, sometimes with unanswered prayer, and sometimes by taking the wheel. 

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