When God answers unspoken prayers

…your Father knows the things you need before you ask them.

Matthew 6:8

Has God ever answered a prayer for you that you had not even spoken? That’s how I feel about Reegan’s friend Emily. 

Emily came into Reegan’s life when Reegs was about 8 years old.  The girls have been best buds since.  They have gone to the same schools, danced together, swam together, celebrated birthdays… and have had many adventures together.  They comfort each other when one is in a hospital bed.  They laugh together, get mad at each other, hug and make up.  They share “Aunti Rose” together (friend and respite worker who has worked with Reegan since birth and Emily since she moved into our community.) 
​ These girls both have Down syndrome, they are the same age, but they are not the same. Each has their very own distinct characteristics that make them unique. 

Reegan and Emily are first daughters, sisters, friends…before they are “Down syndrome”.  That is just a part of who they are; it isn’t the whole.

I love how God answered a prayer for Reegan before I spoke it; how compassionately and individually He loves…  He knows.. and He provides.

Here are some pictures of the two friends

World Down Syndrome day is Sunday, March 21st. It’s a day to recognize people with Down syndrome, their value and their contribution to society as a whole.  We can learn valuable lessons from them, but we must be able to put our stereotypes aside.  Listen to their heart…watch their love… see them interact.  Take note of their determination…their drive to succeed…their competitive spirit.  They want to be heard…they want you to take the time to hear them.  Slow down and listen.  

Listen to their heart for they want to be heard. Their words are important

How do we celebrate WDSD? Join Reegs and me on March 21st…we will be rocking our funky, mismatched socks to celebrate, create awareness, and shout the worth of people with down syndrome!  And if you do join, please send a picture of you wearing your socks!  I know one girl who would get a real kick out of seeing the pictures!

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One Comment

  1. Thank you Mary, this is truly beautiful and inspiring. The feelings are mutual as Reegan was an answer to our prayer. Moving to Brooks was scary and not knowing how Emily would fit in. Reegan not only paved the way but also has become a significant part of our lives. The are beautiful young ladies and watching them grow together and become adults has been such a joy and inspiration to all those around them.
    Thank you for writing this. Words cant express my gratitude and appreciation.

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