What is the definition of mind games?

 I asked Siri for the definition of “mind games”. Her response was that it is  “a course of psychologically manipulative behaviour intended to discomfit another person or gain an advantage over them”.

It’s an ancient game, this “mind game”.  It was first played in the garden of Eden when that snake asked Eve, “Did God REALLY say ‘You must not eat from ANY tree in the garden’? ” (Genesis 3:1)
If you know the story, you will remember how the snake (Satan) twisted God’s words to Adam to confuse and distort the truth. Those were not the instructions God had given to the first couple in human history. 

The Lord God took the man and put him in the garden of Eden to work it and keep it. And the Lord God commanded the man, saying, “You may surely eat of every tree of the garden,  but of the tree of the knowledge of good and evil you shall not eat, for in the day that you eat of it you shall surely die.

Genesis 2: 15-17 ESV

Twisting words to manipulate and confuse.  That is the strategy of the enemy to our souls and minds.  He attempts to sprinkle seeds of doubt in our minds; doubts about what God really said. In sly, subtle ways those seeds of insecurities, questions and fears can sprout into rambling overgrowth, the perfect place to hide and wait for his next attack.

Why do I engage in mind dialogue with those doubts and negative thoughts that like to creep in? In Genesis 3:2 Eve responded to the snake,  “The woman said to the serpent…”  Really?  Eve what were you thinking? Don’t be like Eve!  Don’t engage!

 What good is it to give lies brain space?  There are only so many thoughts that can occupy my mind before it goes on overload, so today let me focus on the truth. God’s Truth; there’s no point in trying to reason with a snake.

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