What is Passion Week?

The week leading up to Easter is called Passion Week. 

Why the word Passion? How does this word depict the week leading up to the death of Jesus? Could it be because of the passion and compassion His actions show toward humanity?

Palm Sunday begins the week as Jesus enters Jerusalem, fully aware of what lies ahead of Him. Previous to this, the people had witnessed His miracle of raising a man named Lazarus from the dead (John 12:17,18); so when they saw Him enter the city, they gathered in great expectation! They were there to greet Him with shouts of praise, hailing Him King! They had seen what He had done, and they were there for more!

Conquering kings come riding into a city on majestic horses; Jesus came riding on a foul of a donkey. Did the people miss the significance of this sign of humility?  Or were their eyes fixed on their own plans and how they assumed Jesus would fit into them?

“For my thoughts are not your thoughts, neither are your ways my ways,” declares the Lord. “As the heavens are higher than the earth, so are my ways higher than your ways and my thoughts than your thoughts.”

Isaiah 55:8-9 NIV

Jesus wept as He gazed over the city of Jerusalem (Luke 19:41). He wept because He knew the state of the human heart; how fickle and selfish it was. He had come to give spiritual freedom, but the people desired an earthly king who could provide them with showy miracles and freedom from tyranny. Their eyes were blind to the real story unfolding before them.

When they began to realize that Jesus was not living up to their expectations, their cheers quickly turned into jeers. 

Do I expect Jesus to fulfil MY expectations? Do I follow Him for what He can do for me? Do I lament when God will not fit into the box of ideals I have carefully crafted? How did I ever believe that I could dictate to God, how He should work? 

As Passion Week begins, how can I replace my selfish notion that only desires Jesus for what He can do for me? How can my life bring Him praise with heartfelt Hosannas!

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