
That was God, not coincidence!

Is God in the details? Or is cosmic energy and coincidence responsible for the outcome? Either answer requires faith.

A few years back, my daughter Reegan had major knee surgery to reinforce loose ligaments.  She wore a heavy cast, which made maneuvering her very difficult.  That, along with her pain and fear, made the transition from hospital to home a challenge. I wheeled her from the hospital to our vehicle with a wheelchair, but to move her from the wheelchair into the car was another story. With frayed nerves, much coaxing, and a regrettable meltdown from her mother, I got her in. I felt so bad –I had lost my patience and taken it out on poor Reegan, who hadn’t asked for any of this.

As we drove through the city, Reegan told me she was uncomfortable, and I explained that I would stop and rearrange her in a bit. The cast spanned her whole leg from the very top to the tips of her toes, and it took some fixing and arranging to make it comfortable anywhere, let alone in a vehicle. 

Eventually, I pulled into a McDonald’s parking lot to rearrange her, grab a coffee, and then get home! It was a two-hour drive. As I got out to help her, Reegan informed me of another problem. “Mommy…I have to go to the bathroom.” No! My frazzled brain can’t take it.  “I’m sorry, but you’re going to have to wait,” I told her. I could think of no possible way to get her into a public bathroom by myself.  

I tried to make her comfortable and then went to grab my coffee.  Meanwhile, a friend called and offered to help us, but she was half an hour away.  I thanked her but declined as that wasn’t feasible for me.  Then another friend called (this is all while I’m getting my coffee). I told her our predicament, and she informed me that she was in the city and about to drive by that exact McDonald’s. She would gladly come and help! 

Liza, being a “no-nonsense” nurse, knew precisely how to grab Reegan and carry her in. My relief was immense as I sagged onto the bathroom wall, letting the tears come. You might call this a coincidence, but I believe it was God’s tender care and love. I picture God seeing my need and saying, “Not a problem. I have a solution!”  And all this after my show of impatience and frustration at the situation. His provision was not dependent on whether or not I was deserving.

His provision was not dependent on whether or not I was deserving.

My memory is sometimes short, and I can become anxious as if God will not provide.

“And my God will supply every need of yours according to his riches in glory in Christ Jesus.” Philippians 4:19(ESV).

 I need reminders now and then that God’s timing is never late and that my needs are never too big or too small for His care. Do I trust that He is working in the spaces that feel silent? Do I trust Him to make a way where I see no way possible? 

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