Taking the ME out of prayer

When we come before the Almighty 
In prayer
isn’t it absurd how much 
we talk about 

Dear Lord
like a salutation 
please bless
please protect
please help
please heal

In Jesus name, like
the conclusion 
until the next time we are 
in need

What comes to mind when you think of prayer? Is it the quick “help me!” when you’re in a bind or before an exam? Is it a last-ditch effort when you come to the end of yourself? 

When you pray, do you feel like someone is actually listening to your words, or is it more of a fantastical- wishful- thinking- good luck- charm- hope- it -works kind of thing? 

Our ladies’ bible study group has been studying Pete Greig’s course on prayer. It has been insightful and challenging to look at a few different types of prayer; adoration, intercession, petition and contemplation. 

We often get stuck on one type of prayer- petition. We need things we can’t accomplish ourselves, so we go to a higher power hoping that God will hear us and give us our desires. But, prayer is much more than just asking God to grant us our wishes. Prayer is communication with God. 

I find it simply amazing that God desires to communicate with us. He wants for us to quiet ourselves and contemplate who He is. Contemplate that He, the Artist of the skies, the One who calls the tiny shoots of green to stretch for the sun, the One who showed Himself faithful to historical giants like King David, Esther, Moses and Mary; that He, the same God, desires to sit with me. 

Why does God ask us to praise Him, to give Him glory and honour? It is not because He is egotistical and needs the praise for Himself.  He knows that when I stop and contemplate all the ways, that He is the just, good, gracious, kind, all-knowing, all-seeing, faithful, merciful, loving Creator and God overall, I cannot stay the same.

My contemplative prayer of praise to God will change me. It will change the prayers I bring, my neediness, my demanding, selfish heart. As I sing my praise to Him, I become less and He becomes more. My worries and fears peel away as my faith and trust grow in the Ancient of Days.

Lord Almighty, when I come 
before you in prayer
let me come  
with a quiet 
Let’s talk about 
and all the 
You have been 

Be still, and know that I am God.

I will be exalted among the nations,

I will be exalted in the earth! 

Psalms 46:10

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