It is Finished!

It is finished! Words from Jesus as he died on the cross

Today Christians solemnly unite to remember the death of Jesus, the suffering Son of God who hung on a cruel cross to bring us life and freedom.  

Some of us will be gathering in half-empty pews, some in overflowing churches, and some on living room couches. We all gather to worship the same Jesus who died for our self-focused hearts. 

The current world situation we find ourselves in has created much division, and this division has found its way into the church.

What has happened to our unity? As the world watches, we have divided ourselves into polarized camps, casting disapproving glances at those across the line. 

 The opinions are as numerous as the minds that have them. 

How can we repair the damage that is being done? How do we soften our hearts and our stance? How do we unify for the sake of the gospel we profess and set aside the things that divide?

If we have a war to fight, it is not with our brothers and sisters. 

When we come before the cross of Christ, may it humble us of our pride. We have nothing to bring but our woundedness to the One who gave us His everything. 

When we come before the cross of Christ, may it humble us of our pride

Holy God, let me not further break your heart with my spirit of division. Let me not be found standing in the crowd of mockers, but let me come to the foot of the old rugged cross in broken repentance.

Therefore encourage one another and build one another up…

1 Thessalonians‬ ‭5:11‬ ‭

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