Hope! A Savior has been born!

Merry Christmas from our home to yours!

Christmas day is winding down; darkness is falling. Some people hold onto each lingering moment, feeling the sadness of a happy day gone too fast. Others can’t wait for it to be over, for life to resume to a place where feelings, nostalgia, memories, all things family and the joy they “should” have, disappear back into the realm of what unrealistic movies are made of.

Christmastime is a highly emotional time, and when life doesn’t look at all like the commercials tell us it should, it can be a time of great loneliness and sadness. Ironically, it’s for this that the Christ child was born. He has come to bring us hope when life feels hopeless.

“For unto you is born this day in the city of David a Savior, who is Christ the Lord.” Luke 2:11 (ESV)

Two Trees…

The tree of Christmas shines and shimmers,
the children love to gather ’round.
It offers up its gifts and
Soft the light, joy the sound.

But hidden in the evergreen boughs
Are shadows of wood and thorn,
The tree of Easter, rough and 
For this, the little Child is born.

The joy of Christmas now dim, now
The mother’s tears in grief flow
​ free.
This! This the gift of suffering, 
pays the debt to purchase me.

For sin had set a gulf between 
No one was found to worthy be.
The wooden tree, the bridge of 
Immanuel come to rescue me.

Christmas is only the beginning of the story, of how God put his plan into action to bring hope and healing to a weary world.

Immanuel has come.

Come and adore Him, Christ the Lord!

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