Can it still be a year of Gratitude?

quote from Ann Voskamp

The new year often brings about a renewed desire to do better, be better, exercise, organize, eat healthier…generally just being a better you.
 It’s reflected in the stores too…if you buy that new item, this will be the year you finally manage to keep your resolutions and goals.  I will be so bold as to say I think you can make a positive change without putting any money down.
This morning as I was getting ready for church, thankfulness came to my mind; how gratitude will change the attitude. How Phil 4:6 tells us not to be anxious but to pray with thanksgiving, and Ephesians 5:20 says to give thanks continuously. How Ann Voskamp dared us to think of “1000 gifts”.

do not be anxious about anything, but in everything by prayer and supplication with thanksgiving let your requests be made known to God.

Philippians 4:6

This line of thought was confirmed to me as we studied the Max Lucado “Anxious for nothing” series in Sunday school.  The following was a noteworthy quote I came across;

studies have shown that grateful people tend to be more empathetic and forgiving of others. Those who keep a gratitude journal are more likely to have a positive attitude on life. Grateful individuals demonstrate less envy, materialism and self comparison. Thankfulness improves self-esteem, enhances relationships, quality of sleep and longevity. If it came in a pill form, gratitude would be deemed the miracle cure. It’s no wonder then that God’s anxiety therapy includes a large, delightful dollop of gratitude.

Max Lucado

Could it really be that simple?  Could my thankful attitude change my life that much? Could it help with the anxiety and worry that weigh me down?  Could I live lighter this year?  Happier?  Isn’t there something I could be thankful for, even in the ugly?  The proverbial “silver lining”?  Can I find it? What do I really have to lose in the trying?  I dare you to try with me.  Let’s write down the ways that we are thankful.  Journal them, take pictures of them, but somehow, lets document our thanks.  Then when the page turns to 2020 we can look back and literally count our blessings. 

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