An Angry Jesus?

An angry Jesus?
Jesus was angry,
The day He cleared out the merchants from the temple,
Upending their tables
of coin
And flapping 
His house of prayer had been
converted into a
den of thieves, for convenience 
sake and personal gain, 
to pad the unscrupulous 

Do I cause

Righteous anger over my 

casual disobedience?

What about me? 
Do I cause
Righteous anger over my 
casual disobedience?
Do I dilute his righteousness 
with my sinfulness 
to make it more palatable 
to my halfhearted 
Can I be part in 
and half out? 
Can I make my own rules 
and call it following 
Do I take His “be Holy” as 
a suggestion?

But grace,

and mercy

and Love;

the other side of 

the coin. 

Because how can I live up to 
those kinds of high standards 
I’m not perfect 
and I fall. 

But grace,
and mercy
and Love;
the other side of 
the coin. 

The price He paid for my 
redemption was high.
I can not cheapen 
His grace with my
My life lived 
as a thank 
to Him who gave 
His everything 
for me. 

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